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The Seven Noahide Laws

Seven universal areas humanity needs to work on. Are LGBT an exception?

The Seven Noahide Laws are seven precepts which the Torah expects the entire humanity to follow.

They therefore represent seven general "pressure points", seven zones that challenge our relationship with the Creator, each other, and the environment. 

1. To believe there is a G-d

This is the most basic commandment. All other commandments depend on it. 

We live in a material world, where G-d is invisible. But man – the only being created with free choice, is also the only being created upright. As a result, man has the unique ability to look up and realize there is “something” above him. 

The personal change required here is also a fundamental one:  To “make room” for G-d in our belief system, by reducing your own ego / feeling of self. There is a higher being, Creator G-d. 

Now for more specifics:

2. Not to curse Him

We plan, but G-d laughs. He has different plans... 

G-d doesn’t remain in Heaven. His edicts are realized on earth as well. 

So too for us, our daily life is impacted by His holy presence. This is more than including G-d in our belief system. We need to recognize and welcome G-d’s influence in our daily lives.

This prohibition warns against the extreme case, of someone feeling so self-centred as to verbally backlash against G-d. (Even though doing so presumes he believes in G-d, and that G-d exists in his own life. Nevertheless his ego gets in the way...)

3. Not to murder

Not only G-d is in our way, man is too. We want to remove the obstruction. Life will be much easier (for us) without that person around. 

Again it’s not all about us. We can’t cancel others (to the extent of murder) if they don’t dance to our beat. 

We need to further reduce our feeling of self – with respect to others, and deal with the challenges they present without our ego running (and ruining) the show.

4. Not to steal

We have many needs and wants. But it’s not always easy to obtain them. Yet others own exactly what we want...

This Commandment extends the room we need to make for others – not only for who they are – but also for their belongings.

5. Not to eat a limb of a living animal

One of our basic needs and wants is food. And we (gentiles) are allowed to eat anything, including other living creatures. 

But because they are living, similar to us, we need to respect that and control our craving until they die. 

6. Forbidden relationships

Another basic need and want is AoM. And we can engage with it, but not in all forms. The real purpose of AoM is reproduction. Hence those AoM that cannot be productive are forbidden. 

This is about making room for society and its future, which may be at the expense of our inclination for those unproductive forms of AoM. 

7. Courts of law to enforce these laws

All the above precepts are about shaping our own perspectives, inlcuding contributing to society.  

This precept is also about society, not only to enable society (via AoM) but to ensure its endurance, by having all these precepts enforced.

SSM is different...

Regarding forbidden relationships, we find something unique with the drive for SSM: 

  • As opposed to Bisexuals who are expected to just restrict / reduce their AoM drive to the opposite sex, 

  • The AoM drive for Gays and Lesbians is binarily toward the same sex. For such people there is no spectrum like other propensities.

  • The Torah is therefore (seemingly) demanding they completely transform (or ignore) their nature. This would be extremely difficult, much more than other propensities, and especially since the drive for AoM is most powerful. 

  • This binary nature further implies that LGT (not so much Bisexuals) are a different kind. This then gives rise to all the implications that the Agenda is bringing out. 

We will G-d willing see in a later article that: 

  • LGBT are indeed different, but not in the same way as suggested above. 

  • Their challenge to observe this Commandment is more advanced. 

  • No transformation ("Conversion Treatment") is actually required. 



The Commandments were given to refine people. Midrash Bereshit Raba 44:1

The Seven Noahide Laws. Talmud Sanhedrin 56a. Midrash Raba Genesis 16:6 shows how each of the seven is derived from the verses. 

Reason for forbidden SSM is that it is unproductive. Sefer Hachinuch Commandment 209. 

Basics of Moshiach & Redemption.
Dream – is Moshiach a fantasy?
Surety – what’s the guarantee Moshiach will come?

Changes – how will life change in the Messianic Age?

Reward – how will we get paid in the Messianic Era?
Miracles – will there be miracles in the time of Mashiach?

End – will the world end?

Coming – when will Moshiach come?
History – Messianic hopes & attempts in the past.
Predictions of when Moshiach will come - קץ or קיצין.
Dates – auspicious dates for the coming of Moshiach.
Today – can Moshiach come today?

Periods – durations and milestones in the Times of Moshiach.

These are the broad topics we'll cover, G-d willing:

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Moshiach – about the man.
Elijah and Moshiach.
Moshiach Ben Yosef.
You – your role in bringing Moshiach.


Rosh Hashanah | Yom Kippur | Sucot |  Chanukah | Purim | Pesach | Lag Ba-Omer | Shavuot | Tisha Be-av


Process – how will Moshiach come?
Shams – false Messianism.

Signals – signs of Moshiach.


The Temple - בית המקדש
Resurrection of the Dead - תחיית המתים
Ingathering of Exiles - קיבוץ גלויות


Significance – how important is Moshiach?
Exile – what’s the purpose of Exile?
Delay – why is it taking so long for Moshiach to come?
Obscurity – why is the end-time so concealed?
Ambiguity – why is Mashiach so unclear?
Controversy – why is Moshiach so contentious?


Moshiach – where is he now and in the past?
10 Lost Tribes – where are they?

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