The world is changing...
... It is lining up with the Messianic Era.
This website is about:

Torah Teachings
about Moshiach and the approaching End Times.

How Modern-day Reality reflects the Coming of Moshiach.

Judaism –
A good feel for what it's all about.
media releases
comprehensively covering the following topics:
COVID-19 Conspiracy?
All aspects of the "Conspiracy Theory" have a place in the Coming of Moshiach
Governments are transforming to align with the Messianic Era
A practical guide on what Moshiach entails for five different stereotypes
Untangling it to realize why it's happening just before Mashiach
The unprecedented spiritual low of the Jewish People when Moshiach comes
What was before the world, what will be after, and how that impacts the in-between
How the world is changing financially in preparation for Mashiach Times
Why so much negativity just before something so pleasant as Moshiach
One Historical Timeline
Two different perspectives, that are now merging.
Resurrection of the Dead
(Talmud Avoda Zara 9b)
Moshiach comes
of Torah

2240 CE
Chaos Era
Torah Era

Moshiach Era




0 AM
3760 BCE
No direction and purpose
Work with the World to prepare for Moshiach
Moshiach can come
An era of tranquility
Fall of
Selected Articles
All the unpleasant signs of Moshiach recorded in the Talmud are prompting us to say "Good Bye" to the Old World we've always known, and "Hello" to the New World of Messianic Times.
Dictatorship, Communism and Democracy. We're not going to delve into the pros and cons of each one, but just to explain how they've all paved the way for the ultimate governance by Moshiach.
These Four Signs are corroding the spirit of the Jewish People like never before. But that's when Moshiach comes...
Why this Website?

The Problem
The Torah elucidates everything.
However it remains fragmented and cryptic to many when it comes to Moshiach and the Redemption, let alone in the plain English language.
That's what we're here to change:
The Solution
An exclusive and comprehensive reservoir of Torah insights into "Moshiach", demystifying the approaching future.
Here's a selection of what this website has to offer:

Hazy terms explained:
Moshiach/ Mashiach/ Messiah – the concept, the man, the era.
Redemption – from what?
Exile/Galus from Israel – much more than punishment and wandering.
Confusions clarified:
Messianic, Moshiach – a Jewish thing?
False Messianism in history – why it failed.
Why we have Signs for the Coming of Moshiach and what they're telling us.
Purpose of Creation – yes, it’s what you think it is, but it boils down to a messianic paradigm.
Mysteries unveiled:
When will Moshiach come? Behind end-time predictions and dates.
How will the world change through Moshiach? Biblical prophecies translated into modern reality.
What does the Coming of Moshiach mean – Miracles? Disasters? Revelations?
The Benefits
Realize what's actually going on in the world today, relative to the past and future.
Align yourself with the Messianic reality that's unfolding.
Reap the benefits that can only be attained before the Coming of Moshiach.
Help the following stakeholders who are eagerly anticipating the Messianic era:
The entire universe
All previous generations
All higher celestial worlds
The Divine Presence
The Almighty G-d Himself