How Will Creation Reach its Goal?
Plan A
Plan B
Human Resources
Which Tier is Greater?
The Good Deeds that we do are what it’s really about, as they directly affect the world. Torah and Prayer are too spiritual to have a solid and direct impact on the physical realm. However it is they that —
Instruct as to what constitutes a “Good Deed”: How else would we know what to do if not through learning about it in the Torah?
Ensure the “goodness” of our deeds: You know how easy it is to get distracted from the right thing, even if you know the difference between good and bad. Prayer and Torah help maintain the right focus.
Add quality and depth to the deeds: This is called “כוונה“ (Kavanah) in Hebrew. Actions themselves are compared to the body that performs them. The body is lifeless without the soul. Similarly, Good Deeds would be lifeless if done by rote, without some understanding, concentration and feelings.
In fact, the desired impact on the world (imparting the Name of G-d and G-d Himself) is shaped by Torah and Prayer:
The Name of G-d — that’s the Torah: Its entire text spells the many names of G-d,
G-d Himself — that’s Who we pray to.
And in that sense, the deeds are but conduits by which Prayer and Torah make an impact on the world.

Good Deeds - The Bottom Line
Good Deeds are lifeless without intention - Tanya Ch. 39
The whole Torah (text) spells the Names of G-d - Zohar Part II 87a.